Archive for September, 2010


Solution to the Ayodhya controversy

So the Ayodhya verdict is set to be declared on Tuesday 28th September 2010.Finally the whole Babari Masjid or Ram Temple controversy MAY just be settled.Or made worse.We wait with bated breath.

Two days to go and we wait,hoping and praying.Inspite of the speaches that are meant to inflame and provoke,the ridiculous SMSs that incite hatred and even the stray acts of violence that gets exaggerated as hate crimes against a particular religion we dare to believe that good sense and cool heads will eventually prevail.

Meanwhile,can’t help but wonder what the verdict will be.I was actually thinking about this and it occurred to me that there could be a very simple solution to this whole thing.Since all the fuss is about what is on that piece of land-temple or mosque,lets not have either.Its kinda like mom taking away the toy both the kids are fighting over,and all the moms will agree,it works.

The land could be used for some other purposes by the government.Here are a few things that could be done there:

  • Monument to communal harmony-There could be a huge work of art like a sculpture with the theme of religious tolerance and communal peace at the center and around this there could be like a public garden or something.
  • Museum-A museum specialy dedicated to the history of the place.There could also be an art gallery or something.
  • Educational Institution-This could be the site of an educational institution,probably one of those new IITs or IIMs the government is planning.Or maybe a university or something.Or a religious learning centre.
  • Temple of Humanity-This could be like a huge structure inspired by all world relegions.People of all relegions can come to pray or meditate here.There could be a gallery showing the history of the site and giving the message of peace.

I mean seriously wouldn’t doing something like this settle the whole problem.


Of music and dope

See I think drugs have done some good things for us, I really do, and if you don’t believe drugs have done good things for us, do me a favor: go home tonight and take all your albums, all your tapes, and all your cds and burn ’em. ’cause you know the musicians who made all that great music that’s enhanced your lives throughout the years…. rrrrrrrrreal fuckin high on drugs.

-Bill Hicks

Aaah the two things I love in the world:music and dope ๐Ÿ˜› .BTW while you’re burning your cds and stuff don’t forget to trash those mp3’s you downloaded over the net.And if you have the new Maiden album give it to me.


Of facebook and me being grumpy…

I can barely even hear myself think over the 1000 watts of super lame Bollywood songs my neighbors have going. But its a good change. I swear I tend to get bored of my incessant cynicism and smarty-pantness(yay,new word ๐Ÿ™‚ ).

This is the last day of a small vacation-sort-of.Meaning I bunked a couple of days,then there was the weekend and on monday I came to know that college will be officialy off for another four days. Ahh well back to work again. Already feeling bored to go to college. ๐Ÿ™‚

Spent a large amount of time the last couple of days perversely checking up my friends profiles on Facebook.Don’t know if they’re just bluffing or have actually done insanely good for themselves over the last couple of years.I mean seriously,this guy who a couple of weeks before the boards pointed out the integral sign and asked me what the ‘S-thingy’ was,is studying to be an engineer!And this other guy,back in high school,he was the butt(pun totally unintentional but awsome) of all our gay jokes;now he has a girlfriend.And she looks nothing like a dude,infact she’s HOT.
Facebook sucks.It makes me feel like shit.But for a change,atleast I know why I’m feeling like shit.

I think I need a trip to a place where everything is pferfekt.My dreams.

Adiรณs world.

P.S. Everything is so unfair here.

An Outlaw,compulsively cynical and self-confessed geek.Passionate about art,music,culture,literature,etc.
Part-time poet,philosopher,writer and sober.


September 2010
Nonsensicalrambling by John Oommen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 India License.

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